tutorial is for RPManager 3.5 or later.
This tutorial is a more quick guide to how you might
use RPManager to control Pflow in your scenes. While RPM can use
its Object Properties capture/restore system on Pflow nodes, it
can cause more updates to pflow than is desired (there are enough
extra updates anyway...), so these are the recommended workflow
1 Add pflow sources to visibility sets to control
basic visibility. Pretty self explanatory.
2 If you are using pflow to drive afterburn, use the
RPM atmospherics controls to enable/disable the afterburn atmos
entries per pass. You can have multiple afterburn entries for the
same pflow setup and simply enable/disable as you need to.
3 For controling materials on pflow nodes per pass,
capture the material of a non-rendering object - ie a box with rendereable
turned off. Then instance the RPMmaterial on the box into your pflow
material nodes. When the box's material is restored, the pflow material
is also taken along for the ride.
This can also makes it a little easier to find the materials for
editing without having to go into Particle View.
4 For anything a bit more interesting per pass with
pflow, use the before/after scripts - but make sure you use 'with
undo on' as pflow doesn't update correctly if the undo stack is
suspended. Consult your MXS documentation for ways to control pflow
via maxscript, the sample scene below might get you started though.
Use of 'show', and 'showinterfaces' on the pflow nodes can be useful
for quickly getting at MXS calls, as well as the macrorecorder where
you manually do what you want to do with script and see if it is
recorded (pflow seems ok as far as macrorecorder goes).
The before/after script system gives you huge amounts
of control over what can be done per pass, worth digging into if
you need this.
this zipped scene (created in 3dsmax6, so works for 7 and 8
as well) which demonstrates RPM controlling pflow properties:
Use of the RPMMaterial on a property-captured non-rendererable
box, instanced into a pflow material node to control the pflow material
per pass.
Changed particle count per pass - via the Before/After
Pass script system.
Disabling an Event per pass - via the Before/After
Pass script system.
Changing the meshes rendered per pass - via the Before/After
Pass script system.
