Modifier - REQUIRES RPMdlx.dlx 1.1 or later (included in the installer)
This is a tool that enables
you to copy and paste vertex positions and vertex selections to
and from anywhere in the stack. The paste modifier looks like this:

Deformation: enables the paste vertex position
part of the plugin.
Effect Multiplier: blend between unmodified
and the pasted verts. Can go negative or >1.0 for exaggerating
expressions etc.
Mask by Buffer Selection: this uses the original
copied objects vertex selection at the time the buffer was created
to mask what is modified.
Apply to Whole Mesh: this simply controls whether
a sub object selection below the modifier will affect what it modifies
- similar to the meshsmooth option.
Apply Vertex Selection: enables pasting of selection.
Include Soft Selection: pastes the soft selection
captured in the buffer if any was present.
Replace/Add/Subtract/Intersect: how the pasted
selection will interact with any existing selections on the object.
Copying positions/selections is implemented
through a scripted interface that makes calls to RPMdlx. Below is
a screenshot of the scripted component, which allows you to copy
from, and paste to selected objects. The buffers are stored on disk
for re-use, and can be renamed by Right Clicking on them.

Limitations - no Nurbs or Patch support. I
plan to do patch support (the framework is already there) when I
get time.
Demonstration Quicktime - 4.4 megs.
Just a quick demo.
PasteVertexBuffer is now freeware
Use it however you like, but the usual not responsible
for any damage caused applies.
PasteVertexBuffer for 3dsmax5 / 3dsmax6 / 3dsmax7 / 3dsmax8 / 2009
(no 9/2008, if someone wants it let me know)
Installation instructions
Run the PasteVertexBuffer installer, which
puts it into your plugins directory and then restart 3dsmax.
It is a modifier, so will appear in the modifier stack. There is
a scripted component to this plugin that allows you to copy and
paste the buffers, you will find this in the RPManager category
of your CustomiseUI - add it to a toolbar, hotkey etc.
Contact with any bug info.
Scene files demonstrating problems are much easier to troublshoot.
Credits: PasteVertexBuffer
was written by Grant Adam.