
ColorPolyByVert Modifier


ColorPolyByVert Modifier

This one is a modelling aid, mainly for e.poly modelling, to quickly show which faces are triangles, or 5+ side polygons.


The plugin works by setting the vertex colours to colourise the model, and toggles the vertex colour display.

Toggle Poly Colours: toggles the polygon colouring effect on/off. With this off no processing takes place.

Toggle Shaded: toggles the object property 'shaded' button for vertex colouring.

The 'Face Counts' group reports how many of each are present - when you have tiny triangles that are hard to spot at first glance this lets you know they are actually there.

Limitations - converts to Poly. Supported types are TriMeshes, (ie regular editable mesh stack), and Polymeshes (e.poly), although I use this tool when e.poly modelling almost exclusively. A mesh will be converted to poly, but since this tool is generally not left in the stack that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

ColorPolyByVert is now freeware

Use it however you like, but the usual not responsible for any damage caused applies.

Download ColorPolyByVerts for 3dsmax5 / 3dsmax6 / 3dsmax7 / 3dsmax8 / 3dsmax9/2008 (32 and 64 bit) - this is an installer

3dsmax2009 32 bit

3dsmax2009 64 bit

3dsmax2010 32 bit

3dsmax2010 64 bit

3dsmax2012 32 bit

3dsmax2012 64 bit

3dsmax2013/4 32/64 bit

3dsmax2015/2016 64 bit

3dsmax2017 64 bit

3dsmax2018 64 bit

3dsmax2019 64 bit

3dsmax2020 64 bit

3dsmax2022 64 bit

3dsmax2023 64 bit

Installation instructions
No installer for the 2009 versions, unzip and the put into your plugins directory manually and restart 3dsmax, as you would install any plugin.
Earlier versions download and run the installer, which puts it into your plugins directory and then restart 3dsmax.

If you like it and/or the other free plugins I have available and would like to make your appreciation known, a 'thankyou' email is always nice. If you feel more strongly, purchase an RPManager license and we both get something out of it.

Contact bugs@rpmanager.com with any bug info. Scene files demonstrating problems are much easier to troublshoot.

Credits: ColorPolyByVert was written by Grant Adam. Concept by Glenn Melenhorst.


If you find ColorPolyByVert useful and would like to show your appreciation feel free to use the button below. Thanks in advance :)
